Ontario homes are constantly exposed to unpredictable weather conditions, which can strain your home and comfort. With the Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate, residential Enbridge Gas customers can get reimbursed up to $5,000 when making energy-efficient improvements to their homes.
What are the benefits?
Energy-efficient home upgrades can lower your energy bills, improve your home comfort, increase your home’s resale value and prolong the life of your HVAC system. The Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate enables you to make necessary energy-efficiency upgrades for less.
What steps are involved?
Before getting started, you must complete a home energy assessment with a registered energy advisor. The advisor will create a custom report, identify how much energy your home consumes and recommend home energy upgrades. After installation, the energy advisor needs to complete a final home energy assessment. Following the assessment, you will receive your rebate cheque within 12 weeks.
Is my home eligible for the rebate?
To qualify for the Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate, you must meet the following criteria:
- You haven’t started your renovation or upgrade.
- You are a residential Enbridge Gas customer.
- You own a detached, semi-detached, row townhouse or a mobile home with a permanent foundation.
- Your home is heated with a natural gas furnace or boiler.
What Carrier products are eligible?
Eligible home upgrades include insulation, air sealing, new windows and doors, water heaters, boilers and furnaces. You could save up to 45% of heating costs when replacing your furnace with a dependable ENERGY STAR-rated Carrier furnace. To qualify for the gas furnace rebate ($250), you must complete three home upgrades. Water heating is the second-largest energy consumer in your home, so consider replacing your water heater ($400 rebate) and natural gas boiler ($1,000 rebate) to reduce heating costs further.
Take advantage of current rebates and offers to lower your home energy-efficiency costs and save money. Once you’ve completed your initial home energy assessment, contact the Hargrave Heating & Air Conditioning experts to arrange professional installation of your high-efficiency furnace, boiler and water heater.